
  • 3 根香蕉
  • butter 120 g (melted unsalted butter)
  • brown suger 95 g
  • eggs 2
  • flour 300 g
  • salt 2 g
  • baking soda 2 g
  • baking powder 4 g


  1. 面粉 patent bloem 420g
  2. 盐 zout 2g
  3. 开水 heet water 83g
  4. 常温水 water 167g
  • Step 1: 揉面,至面团光滑,盖上盖子醒面,20分钟
  • Step 2: 加油12g,揉面,至看不到油为止
  • Step 3: 分成6个小面团,压平,用油封住醒面,2个小时


  1. 葱 2根
  2. 五香粉 1g
  3. 盐 4g
  4. 面粉 20g
  5. 热油 30g
  • Step 1: 混合搅匀,葱放上面
  • Step 2: 热油泼到葱上

Details on the full capabilities of Spectre.css can be found in the Official Spectre Documentation

The Quark theme is the new default theme for Grav built with Spectre.css the lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework. Spectre provides basic styles for typography, elements, and a...

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Congratulations! You have installed the Base Grav Package that provides a simple page and the default Quark theme to get you started.

If you see a 404 Error when you click Typography in the menu, please refer to the troubleshooting gui...